  • Did you know that at the end of 2011, there was $18 trillion in qualified plan assets1
  • Do your clients realize that transferring wealth via qualified plans is one of the most inefficient ways to transfer assets
  • Are your clients concerned that they have to take RMD from these plans, but have no real use for those RMDs
  • With the CapTran software, you can easily demonstrate to your client how to efficiently move portions of qualified plans into life insurance to provide the best wealth transfer solution Benefit FAQ:

Simplicity Life is not a broker dealer, registered investment adviser, or tax adviser and the output from the calculators contained on any Simplicity Life websites DOES NOT constitute tax or securities advice. Contact a qualified tax professional BEFORE withdrawal of funds from a qualified defined benefit contribution plan such as a 401(k). All calculations are based on information provided by the user. The output from the calculators contain within any Simplicity Life, Inc. are NOT guaranteed, but is believed to be accurate and reliable.